Protecting and enhancing environments through innovative conservation management products
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CritterPic provides real-time monitoring of small cryptic species and pest species through instant image feeds and automatic species identification.

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EzyLure in the field attached


EzyLure Dispenser is a set-and-forget device that automatically dispenses fresh lure, and can be retrofitted to a wide range of existing traps and bait stations.

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Flexi-comms wireless technology connects traps, cameras, and sensors to create a real-time information network across dozens of devices.

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About Us

Critter Solutions is a technology research and development company based in New Zealand. Our aim is to blend technology with science to create innovative pest management tools and technologies. Our products apply creative thinking and proven technology to support New Zealand’s goal of PredatorFree2050.

Critter Solutions is a joint venture between Boffa Miskell Limited and Red Fern Solutions Limited.


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